June Quarterly Meeting
The June Quarterly Meeting of the Calcasieu Historical Preservation Society will be on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at the DeQuincy Railroad Museum.
The meeting will begin with a 10:00 am coffee social and the program will begin at 10:30 am.
The program will feature behind the scenes tours of this National Register property, along with optional side tours of other historic resources in the DeQuincy area. The Lyons-Mazilly House on Hall Street will be open to CHPS members and guests!
This meeting is free and open to members of the Society and their guests.
Members of the interested public wishing more information about the physical heritage of Calcasieu Parish are also invited. A “boxcar buffet” reception will follow.
Lake Charles area CHPS members are invited to caravan-carpool by meeting at the parking lot for Historic Central School, 809 Kirby Street in Lake Charles, at 9:00 am that Saturday morning.
Learn more about the Museum and the 1923 Kansas City Southern Depot.